Monday, 26 July 2010

School's out...

I know this by the number of children I have seen (and heard) out and about. Why are they all not at the Charlton Lido, it's warm enough if not sunny enough! No doubt they would rather be out kicking the bins over in the street which happened at some unearthly hour this morning. Oh joy. Maybe they will all join the summer kids klub at the Slade church which I assume is their attempt at being kool (see...) and not that they can't spell! I can't remember what I did in the summer holidays except that I played outside a lot and that the holidays really didn't seem to last for 5 or 6 weeks. I know we went on holiday for a week or two of those but that's still nearly a month of being at home that I just can't conjure up in my mind.
Ah to have the summer off now...

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